Frequently Questions

Frequently Questions


What are your locations, hours of operation, and hours of operation?


We have four locations in Japan (including three plants) and two overseas, one in Suzhou, China and the other in Chicago, North America. We have a Nagoya sales office in Kariya, Aichi Prefecture, a head office and its first and second plants in Yashio, Saitama Prefecture, with a total site area of over 3,000 m², and a Tsukuba plant in Joso, Ibaraki Prefecture, with a total site area of 52,000 m².

Our business hours are from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday (excluding national holidays), but the factory operates unattended at night.

If you would like to know more about Alai Parts Co., Ltd. which operates the "Cold Forging/VA/VE Center," please feel free to contact us.

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